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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery




Nottinghamshire County Council - Proud of our past, ambitious for our future

If your child lives in Nottinghamshire, you must apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council, even if the schools you want are outside Nottinghamshire.

For enquiries about admissions you can contact Nottinghamshire County Council by:

  • Tel: 0300 500 8080
  • Post: The School Admissions Team, Meadow House, Littleworth, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2TA

We welcome visits to the school, please contact the main office to arrange an appropriate time.

If you require a place in nursery (Foundation 1) then please contact the main office to complete a Nursery Waiting list application form or click the link below

Nursery application form

All three and four-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of funded nursery education for 38 weeks of the year.

15 hours funded childcare places for three and four year olds | Nottinghamshire County Council

The funded hours for 3-4 year olds was extended to 30 hours for working* parents in September 2017.

For further information and to register for updates visit the government's Childcare Choices website.

All admission authorities must determine admission arrangements by 28 February every year, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required. 

Determined admission arrangements | Nottinghamshire County Council

You can apply for a school place for September 2025 from

  • 11 November 2024 – 15 January 2025 for first admission (reception) and transfer from infant to junior/primary education

Applications received after these dates will be considered late and outcomes will not be sent until after the national offer day.

The best way to apply is online. However, if you are not able to apply online you can contact NCC on 0300 500 80 80.

School admissions hub | Nottinghamshire County Council

Free School Meals

Free school meals and milk | Nottinghamshire County Council

Two Year Old Funding 

Funded childcare places for two-year-olds | Nottinghamshire County Council

In-year applications

An in-year application is for children requiring a school place during the school year, rather than at the usual transfer time to school. Changing school in-year | Nottinghamshire County Council

For queries with school admissions or free school meals applications please contact 0300 500 80 80.