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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery

Online Safety

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This page has lots of guides to support with online resources. These guides have been collated from National Online Safety website. Further information can be found on their website, including on their Online Platform Guides page

Parents & Carers Guide to Palworld

Parents & Carers Guide to MYLOL

Parents & Carers Guide to TikTok

Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns

Setting Up Parental Controls On New Devices

Supporting Children with Self-Regulation

12 Social Media Tips For New Devices

Parents & Carers Guide To Tekken 8

Parents & Carers Guide to YouTube

Parents & Carers Guide To Snapchat

Parents & Carers Guide to Live Streaming

Parents & Carers Guide to Whatsapp

Parents & Carers Guide to Roblox

Encouraging Open Coversations At Home

Age Ratings

Parents & Carers Guide to Fortnite

