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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery

Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due

NHS School Aged Immunisation Service are visiting Holgate Primary on Friday 15 November 2019.

Why vaccinate against flu?
Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable friends and family by preventing the spread of flu. The vaccine is given by a simple spray up the nose, it is painless, quick and side effects are uncommon.
What to do now
To complete the electronic consent form for your child to the flu vaccination, please access using the link below:
Even if you are refusing consent, please still complete the online form.
Please submit your form as soon as possible to ensure your child receives the vaccination.
You will need to enter the unique code for your child’s school - the code is NG140616.

For more information about the childhood flu vaccination programme