Consultation: Proposal for alteration of age range
We have been approached as a school to consider running some of our provision in the building adjacent to our school that was formerly occupied by Little Beans.
Nothing is completely finalised yet, but our ambition with this is that we can extend some of our current Early Years provision and include some places for 2-year-olds.
As part of this we have to go through a local authority consultation process in order to extend our age range to become 2-11yr olds instead of 3-11yr olds. There is a public notice that has been issued as part of this as well as a short questionnaire for you to complete as part of the consultation process if you wish to. The links to both of these are below.
Public notices relating to schools | Nottinghamshire County Council You will need to scroll down to the ‘Holgate Primary’ section on this webpage.
Thank you all for your time and support in reading these.