Our OFSTED Report – we are officially a GOOD school!

We are absolutely delighted to share with you the attached report from our most recent Ofsted Inspection which took place on the last week of the Summer Term.
A few of the highlights that were recognised are:
• Leaders understand their community well.
• Subject leaders provide opportunities for pupils to explore what careers could be possible with success at school. • Staff provide pupils with a wide range of opportunities to take responsibility.
• Leaders care about pupils’ well-being … and pupils feel safe and are confident that staff will support them.
• Leaders ensure that the curriculum supports pupils and the community. It prepares pupils for future life
• Subject leaders have organised the curriculum in such a way as to help pupils build their knowledge over time.
• In Early Years … Leaders are ambitious for all children and have designed a well-sequenced curriculum. They plan activities that promote creativity.
• Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported and pupils with SEND achieve well.
• Leaders ensure that the curriculum prepares pupils for life in modern Britain and it is well-structured.
• There is a strong culture of safeguarding throughout school.
• Leaders are outward looking and seek appropriate support to enable improvement.
• Governors understand their roles and responsibilities. They hold leaders to account effectively.
Please see letter and full report below.