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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3   

Mrs Bardgett
Year 3 Teacher
Mr Knighton
Year 3 Teacher



Mrs Hicklin
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Richardson
Year 3 Teaching Assistant


Key Days in Year 3 are: 

  • PE days for year 3 are a Wednesday and Thursday.

Learning in Year 3

Year 3 is the beginning of the four years that make up KS2 - for us at Holgate, that  also means being taught upstairs! The children are encouraged to begin to take more responsibility for their actions and their learning. 

Like all year groups, Year 3 has government statutory schemes of learning to follow. The children will be assessed throughout and at the end of the year to see if they have reached the expected standard. 


Our Year 3 Learning:


During the Autumn term, our Year 3 children will explore the period of time in History from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age through a Vehicle called ‘Hunter Gatherers.’ This Curriculum Vehicle will be launched with a visit to Creswell Crags. The children will look at chronology and how the time periods fall on the timeline.  They will study the daily life of the stone age people, looking at their achievements to survive, creating sharp tools, basic pottery for cooking and cave art images and their meaning. Following on from this, they will learn about the achievements of the Stone age civilisation and their settlements and how they lived in caves. For the end outcome to this Vehicle, the children will learn about mechanisms (levers and linkages) and use this knowledge to create an interactive history book for a younger audience.

In Spring Term, Year 3 will learn about healthy eating and build upon their KS1 knowledge of plants through the Curriculum Vehicle ‘Can I take your Order?’ The children will learn about diverse eating and veganism and will work closely with the catering industry to learn about their field of work. Children will then apply this Vehicle’s learning as they use the cooking and nutrition skills from their Design and Technology learning to plan and make their very own plant-based burger that will be judged on its nutritional value and presentation by someone from the catering industry. Additionally, children will explore examples of Catherine Jenna Hendry’s artwork and express their opinions around them and create still life drawings.

Year 3 children will then move on to a Geographical study of Europe in our Vehicle ‘Around Europe in 80 Days.’ The children will use their prior Geographical knowledge of the United Kingdom to compare the similarities and differences to a region of a European Country and they will look at maps of the world, locate continents and oceans. They will locate and discuss significant geographical human features and physical features in Europe. The children will carry out an in-depth study of France making comparisons to the UK. They will compare capital cities in Europe to London. The children will investigate, design and make a travel purse to use on their travels using textiles. A local travel company will work alongside the children in Year 3 to talk about their job as well as the key industry skills of presentation and communication and will then use these to produce a mixed media presentation. This will then be shared with the travel agents.

In the final term of Year 3, children will undertake a local History study, called ‘Battle of the Mines.’ This Vehicle is heavily steeped in the History of our ex-mining community in Nottinghamshire and will involve a visit to Pleasley Pit to further develop knowledge around mining and settlements linked to mining in the local area. Through this Vehicle, the children will gain knowledge of what life and working conditions was like for miners in their local community during the 1970s-80s and how this compares to the lifestyle and working conditions of miners during the Victorian period. Work in Design and Technology will enable the children to build on their work on structures from Year 2 and involve the children using saws, joining techniques and creating a pulley to design, make and evaluate their very own mine shaft.


  • In English, Year 3 will continue to work on the spelling patterns they have begun in previous years, but this year there is less of a focus on phonics and more emphasis on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes.
  • In their English sessions, children will use quality texts to develop their understanding of writing. They will produce extended written outcomes for a variety of purposes including writing to persuade, entertain and inform. The children will become more confident at following the writing process of: plan, write, edit and redraft.
  • Grammar becomes a wider focus in KS2, the children in Year 3 will continue to devel. For more information on our English curriculum, visit our Curriculum page. 
  • There continues to be a focus on handwriting with children expected to be joined.



Maths in Year 3 has more of a times tables focus. Quick recall of the required 3, 4, 8, and 50 times-tables (as well as the 2, 5, and 10 times-tables they’ve already learned in Year 1 and 2) is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year.

The children will learn more calculation strategies building up to formal written methods. They will also cover fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, area, perimeter, and shape.

We employ the ‘mastery’ style of teaching concentrating on breadth of knowledge, and Year 3 children will be given lots of opportunities to use their understanding of the new concepts to solve challenges to deepen their understanding.

If you want to see how Year 3 at Holgate are taught to apply different calculation techniques in maths, click here to view videos support guides. 

The Wider Curriculum

We teach our wider curriculum through a mix of discreet (stand-alone) sessions and those taught through the curriculum vehicle. For more information on our Curriculum Offer, please visit our Curriculum pages.