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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4  

Miss Davies
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Wilkinson
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Smith
Year 4 Teaching Assistant


To find out more information about Mrs Wilkinson and Miss Davies, please see their 'Meet the Teacher' links.


Key Days in Year 4 are: 

  • PE in Y4 will be on a Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

Learning in Year 4


Year 4 is the second year of KS2. In Year 4, we continue to nurture and encourage the feelings of independent thinking, learning and decision-making. 

Like all year groups, Year 4 has government statutory schemes of learning to follow. The children will be assessed throughout and at the end of the year to see if they have reached the expected standard. At the end of Year 4, there is a multiplication tables check, when children will be expected to recall their times tables from 1 to 12 in a timed test.


Our Year 4 Learning:

During the Autumn term, our Year 4 children learn through a Curriculum Vehicle called ‘Marvellous Museum.’ This Vehicle focuses on the Historical study of the Romans and the Anglo-Saxons through which the children work with Mansfield Museum, where they will learn about the job of a museum curator and will acquire the skills needed to run their own museum.  The children will explore and gain an understanding of the Roman’s invasion of Britain; what daily life was like under the Romans; where the Romans invaded and settled in Britain; what their settlements were like; the achievements that the Romans made and the legacy they have on present life. They will then learn about when and why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain, what daily life was like for them, where they settled and what their settlements were like. Children will use their knowledge to compare these two historical periods.  The children will learn the location of Roman and Anglo-Saxon settlements, use maps to locate key places and understand about the geographical features of the places. Using all of this newly acquired knowledge, children will create their own museum exhibit for parents and carers to visit.

 In the Spring Term, our Year 4 children will carry out a Geographical study of North America, with a specific focus on Mexico, in their ‘Magnificent Mexico’ Curriculum Vehicle.  During this vehicle, the children will further develop their understanding of human and physical features from Year 3 and will look at the climate in Mexico in comparison to the UK.  The children will recap learning about the seven continents in the world, locate Mexico on a world map and locate the northern and Southern Hemisphere. The Vehicle will then focus on exploring the human and physical features of Mexico that people may discover when they were travelling. Furthermore, the children will study the Rio Grande River and understand features such as the source, mouth, delta, ox-bow lake, tributary and estuary then describe the journey of the river for a helicopter tour of the Rio Grande. They will also look at Mexican culture including an in-depth study into Frida Kahlo and designing, making and evaluating their own Mexican dips. The children will explore the food and culture of Mexico, designing and making their own dip.

The children will work to produce their own travel guide for Mexico using all of their knowledge. 

Moving into the Summer term, Year 4 will study an electrical game Curriculum Vehicle. The children will learn about practical games for children and young adults, they will explore different criteria for games and how it allows children with disabilities to play them. Year 4 will investigate different games and evaluate them according to their accessibility for their audience. They will learn about electrical circuits and how electricity is used within games and then research the barriers that children may have.

During the final half of the Summer Term, our children will complete a Historical study through the Curriculum Vehicle ‘The Maya’.  The children will discover where and when the Ancient Maya lived; what daily life was like for the Maya people; what their settlements were like; the achievements they made and the legacy they have on present life. When looking at the culture of the Maya people, the children will complete an artist study into Maya craftspeople and design and make paper mache masks. Whilst learning about the Maya civilisation, the children will learn about their link to cocoa and chocolate, the children will investigate the chocolate manufacture and marketing now and designing and making shell structures using sheet materials and additional strengthening for a particular purpose: transporting and displaying chocolates. 


In their English sessions, children will use quality texts to develop their understanding of writing. They will produce extended written outcomes for a variety of purposes including writing to persuade, entertain and inform. The children will become more confident at following the writing process of: plan, write, edit and redraft.

Grammar becomes a wider focus in KS2, the children in Year 4 will continue to develop their understanding of a wider range of grammatical concepts. For more information on our English curriculum, visit our Curriculum page. 

There continues to be a focus on handwriting with children expected to be joined. 


In lower Key Stage 2, the principal focus of maths teaching is to ensure that children become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.

At this stage, children should develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value. Children will also draw with increasing accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and their properties, and confidently describe the relationships between them. It should ensure that they can accurately use measuring instruments and make connections between measure and number.

By the end of Year 4, children should have memorised their times tables up to and including the 12 times table, and they will show precision and fluency in their work. Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently, using their growing word reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling.

If you want to see how Year 4 at Holgate are taught to apply different calculation techniques in maths, click here to view videos support guides. 


The Wider Curriculum

We teach our wider curriculum through a mix of discreet (stand-alone) sessions and those taught through the curriculum vehicle. For more information on our Curriculum Offer, please visit our Curriculum pages.