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Holgate Primary and Nursery

Holgate Primary and Nursery

Religious education


At Holgate Pupils will make progress by reflecting on the impact of religions and worldviews on contemporary life locally, nationally and globally to increasing levels of depth. This will enable them to live as responsible members of their community.

RE will make a significant contribution to our children’s understanding of British values, developing tolerance and respect for people who hold varied beliefs and world views, both of a religious and secular nature.

The teaching should equip children with the knowledge and understanding to enable them to reflect and relate their learning in RE to their own experiences.

Our pupils will develop critical thinking and oracy skills and the confidence to discuss their own beliefs and values, and those of others, with increasing creativity and clarity.

Pupils will use these skills to interpret accounts of their own personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences whilst respecting the rights of others to have different views and ways of life.


As a school we follow the Nottinghamshire Religious Education for all curriculum. We have a clear progression document for all year groups.

Within our EYFS curriculum, the children develop their understanding of religions, families and communities through stories, art, role-play and talking points to develop their knowledge of the world. From Year 1 to Year 6, pupils are taught RE weekly.

Through these lessons many cross curricular links and opportunities are discussed and explored.

Our six RE reflection stations around school celebrate each world religion.

We are developing our parental engagement hosting whole school events e.g. Eid, Harvest Festival, Christingle.

Our pupil voice surveys evaluate, inform and develop the teaching and learning of RE to ensure it is relevant, current and creative.

Our enrichment opportunities e.g. visits to places of worship enable pupils a ‘hands on’ experience to support the classroom based teaching. RE floor books in each class celebrate pupil voice, encourage debate and opinion.

CPD for staff is ongoing, e.g. School curriculum INSET, annual RE Leaders courses, family of schools networks, Nottinghamshire SACRE events.


Our children are beginning to raise questions about their own views and beliefs and can express their own opinion to establish a deeper understanding and engagement for everyone.

Our RE floor books:





 Our RE election stations:




All children at school access RE sessions on a regular basis and Collective Worship daily. In accordance with guidance from the government, parents have a right to withdraw their child from RE or Collective Worship. Any parent wishing to withdraw their child for RE teaching or Collective Worship should contact the school for support. Further information can be found on the link below.

Religious education (RE) and collective worship in academies and free schools - GOV.UK (