Year 6 Tackle Plastic Pollution!
Over the last few weeks, year 6 have been learning about plastic pollution.
We were horrified to learn some of the devastating facts and statistics about the number of animals affected or killed by plastic pollution around the world. Did you know the equivalent to a lorry-full of plastic is dumped into the worlds waterways every single minute? Have a look at some of our persuasive, information posters to learn a little more about the catastrophic effects plastic is having on our world.
This has become a real passion for some of our year 6’s, and one child in particular has worked hard to organise a litter pick. We have been out and tided up our school site – we managed to collect 4 black bags full of rubbish from the front of school alone! Keep an eye out for us out and about within the community during the next couple of weeks!
We also had a visit from Ashfield District Council who brought in a road sweeper to show us and also told us about the amount of rubbish collected from around the county and what we can do to support.